Operation Sleep EDITED
I believe I implemented operation sleep a few months ago. It worked...for like a day. So here is round two of operation sleep because I just can't take it anymore. CJ and I have slept only one single solitary night in the last five months. Today CJ is five months and one day old. That means we haven't slept for five entire, very long, eye drooping, feet dragging, yawn filled nights. Here is the mission: SLEEP! Here is how I will accomplish it: I am moving into the guest room. Matt will keep the bedroom and will have a super charged loud fan so he can sleep. I am going to use the ferberizing method. That is where you put the kid to bed sleepy but awake. Let them cry for five minutes and then go in and reassure them. Then cry for 10 minutes and another love pat. Then 15 minutes. I think you get the pattern. Supposedly the Ferber sleep method works in seven-ish days. So what is one...