My favorite saint...
Nearly two years ago to date I was semi-mego prego (read pregnant and feeling like I swallowed a basketball) when I pitched an idea to Matt. "Hey, let's go on vacation. Just the two of us." After Matt lovingly pointed out the obvious road block to my plan I suggested we wait til the spring of 2014. Through 2013, between not sleeping at night and chasing kids by day, we unsuccessfully debated on where to vacation. Matt would rather take up smoking than leave the country so we were limited to the 48 continental States. (He is terrified of being falsely accused and subsequently imprisoned in a foreign country. That is the lawyer in him. And I get it, but I'm also willing to risk it.) After a year we realized the debate may never end. Then Matt asked if he could just book the vacation and surprise me. Sidenote: Matt independently planned our honeymoon and did a super job. Based on past success I agreed to his idea. Shortly thereafter I received a letter with a clue to whe...