
Matt threw the 2nd Annual Sarah Surprise Birthday Party this past Saturday. What? It was your birthday? Nope, so the party was definitely a shocker. My actual birthday isn't until late November but since we will be gone for a large portion of that month and the fact that I've been itching to have a party in our new house, Matt organized a big surprise.

The day started off with a 10 mile bike ride to raise money for Breast Cancer Awareness. The ride was in honor of my friend's mom who lost her battle to breast cancer last year. I rode with my friend, Heather, and afterwards Jen Smith and her mom, Sue, distracted me for the entire afternoon with lunch and a shopping trip. Jen and I were finally on our way to La Porte when I noticed a large number of cars parked around the corner from my house. I thought, "weird." Then as I was walking up to the house I noticed some missing furniture and in its place were card tables. "Hmm...something is up," I thought. And something was up.

I had a great time at the party. A huge thank you to Matt for organizing and another huge thank you to everyone who successfully kept it a secret from me!!


It was our plesure.. thanks for the fun and food!

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