Ordinary days...
I'm not sure what is going on in my house today. Madeline is napping, the older three are playing together (?!?!?!) and I have cleaned, paid bills and now I'm blogging. Today is like Twilight Zone meets Parenthood meets Adventures in Babysitting...or something like that. Perhaps I woke up in someone else's life? Either way I will gladly take what this day is giving and count my blessings, oh, and hope my typing this isn't a jinx. School begins in a week from today. CJ will start Kindergarten and Kate will enter 3rd grade. I have never been a person who is afraid of change so I honestly do not feel the least bit sad about them moving onto new things. CJ is going to love school- time with friends at recess, her own assigned seat in the classroom, a new library with new books... And Kate. I love that Kate is growing up. I have no complaints. It is fun having slightly older kids in the house. As for the other girls? Well I'm looking forward to some days with only tw...