Eighteen months...

Whomever said, "The days are long but the years are short," was so incredibly wise. Natalie is officially 18 months old today. A year and a half. Just a few short months ago I took her sixth month pictures. And yet so many things have happened between then and now. 


Just yesterday?

No surprise to you, I have not kept up with my blog like I did in years past. The other day I sorted through a variety of old posts reading about events I did not remember happening. Yet there were pictures and stories and blog comments to back it all up. This was motivation enough. I can't tell 15 year old Natalie, "Oh sorry. I just ran out of steam. I kind of remember things about you from your early days." That would probably go over as well as offering her a quilt for her first prom dress.   

So Natalie on this day, the day you are officially a year and a half, let me tell you this...

You do not say any words except "Done" from your favorite song "Done." You have said "bird" once for your grandma. As we were leaving for church yesterday you repeatedly yelled "COPS!" I'm not sure if that means you want to be a cop or you are preparing for a life of trouble.

You love food; unusual foods like chickpeas in apple cider vinegar. You are THE best dancer in the house and demand we play music almost all day. You may not really know how to talk yet but you can sing your heart out. It is really adorable. You want to do whatever your sisters are doing even when your sisters would rather you not. You love books and going to the park. You climb into your high chair by yourself when you hear it is time to eat. You are extremely thoughtful and often deliver everyone their coat and shoes when it is time to leave. Whenever someone is sad or injured you are always the first one there to give a hug and your own sad little whimper in their defense. 

You are a smart, kind and wonderful girl. I am so very blessed to call you mine.


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