Creativity and bad couponing...

Rather than making our usual appearance at the LPC Aquatic Center yesterday we stayed home.
We filled colored bowls with coins, magnets, potatoes (yes, potatoes) and cut out shapes.
They simply dropped the random items into the holes.
I sat the box atop a baking sheet so each time an item was dropped through one of the holes it made a fairly loud bang.
They played with the box for ONE WHOLE HOUR?!
Say what? Uh-huh, I ain't lying.
Love for me! And love for them!

The drop box was perfect timing since I desperately needed to wash some running clothes.
The BIX is Saturday. So excited!!!!

And I'm almost as excited for The BIX as I am for "bad couponing!"
This past weekend's ads had the typical lovely lady statue and playful kitten crystal balls so I skipped taking pics of those.
Seriously, they are a dime a dozen except they don't cost a dime.
Some cost around $30 others are upwards of $80. Yeesh, you better love curious kitties.

However, there was one ad that made me stop and snap a photo...

Yes, my pretty! It's a Wizard of Oz collector's edition clock complete with a hand painted winged monkey pendulum.

Even more surprising was the actual coupons hiding among the faux gem angels and stretch bras.
Red Plum must have read my bad couponing post from last week where I asked for real grocery coupons for shaving cream and milk because that is exactly what I found in this week's ads!

In other news, CJ is potty training. Kinda sorta.
Yeah, yeah we already attempted this once before but this time she is older and I'm sure it will click.
Hahaha! Now that is funnier than a winged monkey pendulum. 

Notice no diaper, pull-ups or undies. She's a risk taker.

Here's to a great weekend!
I cannot wait to run The BIX with my dad!
Wish us luck!

Have any awesome bad coupons to share?
Send me an


I would love to see you and your Dad running. I can just see you floating along and he bearng down.

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