Last weekend...

Not unlike Kate I typically have a lot of words in my mouth.
I talk too much, which is why it's good I have a blog.
So I don't subject my husband to too much of my ramblings.
Instead he can choose to read the blog and 'hear' my thoughts or not.

But today... I just don't have anything to say.
I will instead share some pictures of last weekend...and probably a comment or two.

Besides celebrating Father's Day, the family and I drank in all things Festival of Trails.
It is our town's celebration.

I ran in the 5k, like always. I believe this was my 10th Festival of Trails 5k.
I did alright. The older gentleman in this picture was right in front of me the whole race.
I really, really, really wanted to pass him but he beat me out.

Matt typically runs the 5k but after the great running debacle of 2010 he has not run a day since.
He instead planned to walk with Kate while she rode her bike.
Kate rode much, much faster than Matt thought and well, he ended up running almost the entire 5k anyway.

Kate actually stopped riding for the above photo op but Matt thought it would look better if he appeared to be running in the picture. Ummm...not so much, honey. But it was a good try.

By the way, if you read about the great running debacle from the link provided you will afterwards think...that didn't seem like a big deal. Apparently I didn't blog about the horror that followed that run. Matt did not train for the Sturgis Falls half marathon and yet the weekend before the race he decided to run it...13.1 training. I think the week leading up to the race he may have gone out for one or two short jogs but that was it. He ended the race with a fairly good time and he looked relatively strong, but then....screech....he hit a brick wall and landed in bed for about 3 days. He was in terrible pain, he was sweating and shivering and dripping and shaking, he couldn't eat. You'd think the man was struck down with a 1906 version of influenza. He just laid in bed sweating. Old Doc Baker drove over in his surrey to deliver some Coco-cola syrup and gave him two weeks to live. Thank the heavens his body didn't plum give out. 

My dad also ran.
He doesn't have the best form and he'd say the same thing about himself, but he still moves pretty fast.

Matt's dad ran too but we don't have a picture because he was kind of a surprise runner.
My mom was out taking pictures of us when she saw Mike running toward her but she was confused.
She had no idea it was him and didn't want to snap a photo in case she was wrong.

After the race ended we spent some time recovering on the porch.... and CJ ran the doorbell... again and again and again and again...
We 'patiently' waited for the parade to begin.
Ha...patient. That makes me laugh.
CJ wasn't a fan of Kate trying to cuddle her.

And when the parade finally began we caught ourselves a lot of candy.
I stuffed it all into the diaper bag and no one has said 'boo' about it.
In fact, I believe it has been forgotten. I really just need to throw it out.

We broke the bank buying ride tickets and flew through those in the time it takes to bake a cake.

And we went shopping solely to avoid hearing the girls beg for more ride tickets.

It was a fun and exhausting weekend and I hope to have another one just like it starting tonight!

Look at that! Despite not having much to say I still found a lot of words to type.
I guess we know where Kate gets it.


What a weekend! Our sympathy to Matt for getting sick. Gotta stay in shape.Girls are soooo cute.
The girls Mom is cute too.
How many words does CJ have in her mouth?

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