Birthday Mash-ups

I am incredibly behind on a birthday post for our best ever second daughter. Claudia turned FOURTEEN on August 30th. She is branching out from the Claudia of younger years. She has discovered rock music (hence the German rock band t-shirt below) and she has updated her style to include a little more edge. Although she is still our bubbly, bouncy, loveable, curly-haired CJ but with a twist. 

14 reasons Claudia rocks on her 14th birthday...

1. She is incredibly confident and loves herself.
2. Claudia is a whiz at jewelry making.
3. She is super creative and is always designing, crafting or engineering.
4. If there's something she wants, Claudia will often try to make it herself rather than buy i.e. candles, lip balm, various beauty products, hair wraps, and the list goes on...
5. She loves competitive swimming like her mom!
6. Claudia is an excellent consumer of fruits. Fruit is her go-to snack on most occasions. It's always a positive when you don't have to beg your kids to eat something healthy. :)
7. Claudia has expanded her musical taste after diving into her parents old CDs. She is digging rock music right now. (I love 80s and 90s alternative...not hair bands so much.)
8. Claudia has developed a love for audio books and con often be found listening to books while crafting. She's listened to roughly 34 books this past summer.
9. She rocks that gorgeous mane of hair. Oh boy, do I love her hair.
10. Claudia really enjoys baking treats in the kitchen. She was on a run of baking something new every Sunday for awhile. 
11. She knows what she likes and doesn't, and isn't shy to speak her mind about it.
12. She is excellent at negotiating or arguing her point even when she's completely wrong. While this may annoy us, I think she would make an excellent attorney like her dad who also loves to argue his point. Poor me.
13. We've noticed considerable mental maturity from her in the last couple of months and it's so fun to watch her grow up.
14. God made Claudia a fantastic person inside and out, and we are so proud to call her our daughter.

And not too long after, our best ever third daughter rang in her ELEVENTH birthday. Natalie too has made some updates to her style to include what she calls "boss lady" pants and sweaters. Watching your children discover who they are is equal parts exhilarating and terrifying. 

11 reasons Natalie rocks on her 11th birthday...
1. Natalie is an old soul which makes her a joy to talk with because she can cover lots of topics and subject matter.
2. She has her routines and likes to stick with them. She prefers to get ready for bed at a certain time and has established various boxes to check to complete that bedtime routine. This is just an example, but I think it shows maturity.
3. Natalie has a great wit which again adds to the joy and laughter you feel when talking with her.
4. She is responsible. Natalie knows what tasks need to be completed to accomplish goals, to get out the door on time, etc... 
5. Natalie has started doing her own laundry without being asked. Whoopie!!!!
6. She is a loyal friend.
7. Natalie loves to read - furthering her keen intelligence.
8. You always know what Natalie likes and does not. She is quick to share her thoughts if something does not suit her.
9. Natalie loves sports including soccer, basketball, volleyball and swimming.
10. She is always interested in learning whether that is a new subject matter, sport, game, instrument, etc...
11. God made this girl all around amazing and we are super proud to call her our daughter.


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