
These photos are completely random. I just didn't want to take the time to load new pics. I will get to that eventually.

Kate is doing well right now after finishing spine radiation this summer and is enjoying being a manager/team member of the high school cross country team. Claudia wrapped up her first year of middle school volleyball where she played on the red team a.k.a. the "A" team. Natalie and Maddie have two more games of soccer to wrap up the fall season. 

The leaves and walnuts are dropping like crazy. We have our annual church pork chop supper tonight. The girls' favorite part is the dessert, of course. We are volunteering to package and serve meals, and some are excited to help out - some more than others. 

Basketball season is about to begin. And not unlike volunteering at the pork chop supper, some girls are more excited than others for that. I will let your mind wander here.

At Kate's insistence (read serious begging) we caved and got a second cat. His name is Rocket after the Houston Rockets. To be fair, his full name is Dr. Rocket Bob Craft. Kate named him. He is a kitten through and through and often has to be shut out from the bedrooms at night. He fully believes our sleepy time is his time to shine.

Every time I blog I promise to do so more often. I'm not going to make that promise this time and maybe it will actually happen. Until then...


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