Halloween and basketball...

We are in full swing here with basketball. Kate is play Iowa Prep red winter ball out of Cedar Rapids with travel tournaments several weekends. Middle school basketball starts tonight with Matt coaching the 8th grade girls. CJ's 5th grade basketball started last week, again with Matt coaching. And yesterday wrapped up Natalie's first-ever basketball camp. Maddie impatiently waiting for her turn to join a team sometime. 

This is Kate dressed as James Harden from the Houston Rockets. She doesn't typically wear a beard while she plays though. 

Kate is looking so grown-up. Then again she is in her last year of middle school.

Random photo of Matt and Maddie. I'm pretty sure she was trying to sweet talk him into doing something for her.

Halloween was warm outside which makes trick or treating that much more enjoyable. Kate answered the door and passed out candy dressed as James Harden and CJ took off with a group of friends dressed as a zombie soccer player. I prefer my normal, happy, bubbly CJ rather than zombie CJ. 

So with the older two occupied, it was just the two littles to walk around town with Matt and me. Here's Maddie as Bob the Minion and Natalie as a champion soccer player. You could hear her coming down the street with all of those medals clanking.

And here's CJ with her friends - half of which dressed as zombies. 

Bring on November!!!



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