Halloween 2018...

This Halloween was a great one for our family, primarily because we gained a lot of independence from last year to this. Everyone was able to walk around on their own, knock on doors without assistance, and we didn't have to worry about tipsy little baby feet falling off front steps. We visited with neighbors, collected lots of candy, and collapsed in a heap by the end of the evening...after the annual candy swap, of course. This year CJ dressed as a swimmer (SWOON!), Natalie was a pet vet, Maddie was Catboy from PJ Masks, and Kate and I wore blow-up suits and danced our way down the sidewalk. Kate's trick or treating days came to an end this year but she went out in style, kind of. Oh, and Matt didn't dress up but he was along for the ride.

And because I neglected my blog for so long, I thought it'd make sense to post LAST YEAR'S Halloween pictures because I probably never got around to blogging about it.

Trying on costumes at Target is always FUN!!!

Cutest parrot on the block.

The below picture was taken before we painted our house. Woof!

We have an 80's pop star (YAY!), an artist, a butterfly, and a pirate with her over sized parrot. Kate was out trick or treating with friends.

Happy Halloween! Now on to NOVEMBER!


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