Natalie turns SIX!...

Six years ago October 7th, I thought I'd be pregnant forever. I was eight days overdue and at that point you in pregnancy eight days feels like eight years. I left church after fielding dozens of questions, hopped into the car with Kate for some grocery shopping, and a couple hours later I was holding my sweet Natalie. And just a week or so ago that little girl turned SIX! Six reasons Natalie rocks!

1. She is so incredibly witty and I love to hear her stories.
2. Natalie is incredibly sweet and thoughtful. She makes cards and pictures for people often.
3. She is creative! Natalie designs various homes, parks, play rooms for her stuffed animals.
4. Natalie loves animals with all of her heart...especially the stuffed variety.
5. Natalie knows what she likes and is confident in that decision. (read; she doesn't want to do what she doesn't like.)
6. Last but not least, she is super duper smart and a true joy to have in the house.

We love you Natalie! Happy birthday!


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