CJ turns 9!...

This amazing, smart, talented, book-loving, art-loving, strong, stubborn, independent, beautiful girl turned NINE on August 30th. And she sparkles like the sun! Nine reasons why CJ rocks on her ninth birthday!

1. Everything about her is bouncy. Bouncy perfectly describes who she is as a person; even her hair is curly and bouncy.

2. CJ loves, like really deep down loves, to read...while walking, eating, riding in the car, avoiding responsibility, etc.

3. She is creative to the core. 

4. Claudia adores creating cards for friends and strangers alike. 

5. She is stubborn like her mama.

6. She is great at reading people and knowing what makes them tick.

7. Her organizational skills, when she so chooses to use them, are on par with Martha Stewart...or any other type A. 

8. She shares my love of adorable 80’s relics like Lisa Frank Trapper Keepers and plastic charm necklaces. 

9. She is smart, thoughtful, and important

We LOVE you, Claudia!
Happy birthday!



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