Truth and tired...

Each time I open my blog and reread old posts, I get nostalgic. I also get grumpy with myself. I'm not documenting the days of Natalie and Maddie being little squirts like I did with the older two girls. As if I need any more pressure on myself to do more, and yet, I do just that. I'm not gonna lie, four girls is major work. Four kids is major work. I'm nearly forty. Ack, how did that happen? People tell me regularly things like, "You look tired!" or "Your teeth look yellow." or "Losing baby weight is hard, huh?" Thanks all! Add to my aging body the fact I can't run because of my stinkin' hip, that's right, this old lady has a hip injury, and it's not exactly easy to stay in shape. I'm trying to take care of myself but apparently 39 isn't treating me well. 

Little girl laundry...

Maddie is a bundle of happiness that climbs like a mountain goat and explores like a burglar in a diamond store. Does that make sense? She likes to destroy. I have a hard time keeping up with her. But dang, she is adorable.

My brother and sister when they were little...

That's me on the right. I thought I looked so good in that coat. And my hair! I probably spent a solid 30 minutes perfecting that coif. Now I barely spend three minutes on my hair.

My mom and dad a few years back... Look at my mom's mane. So beautiful!

That's me raiding my grandma's refrigerator. Maddie and I could be twins!

Maddie's twin (me) again...
That outfit. Love it!

What's the point of this post? I don't know. I barely documented anything of importance related to my children but maybe one day I will look back and think, "I tried. Even though I often was tired, and apparently didn't look my best, I at least tried."  


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