Summer reality...

Hahahahahahahah ahahahaha hahaha... Excuse me while I laugh hysterically at myself and eat a big, fat slice of humble pie.

My last blog post dated May 6th was jam packed to the rafters with declarations of summer love. I boasted I couldn't wait for the end of school, for long days outside in the yard, swimming for hours at the local pool, eating meals outdoors. Hahahahahahahahahah hahahahaha.

Okay people, let me take a moment to be honest here. Life is hard with four little kids. Every now and then I get this idea that everyone is old enough that we can do normal family stuff such as eating out or leaving the house on time. Hahaha. Nope. Not yet. And probably not any time soon. I won't break it down story by story but we have barely been outside. We don't go to the park and we haven't been to the pool in almost three weeks. We are straight up caged zoo animals.

And when you do see us out I want you to understand I am totally winging it.


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