Moving slow...

Matt has been gone a lot which means the girls and I don't get out of the house much. It is not simple going places with four kids, especially when the youngest is still a baby. I'm certain in a couple of years the family will be more mobile but for now, it's pretty much a game of tug of war on 
e v e r y t h i n g.

SO, we stay put and do things like...

Play Junior Monopoly with no rules, or money, or buying property because that is how Natalie likes it and the game moves a lot faster that way. 

We also wash hair a lot because somebody is always styling their 'do with the most delicious options. 

We play Barbie in this pretty, light filled room. CJ and Natalie's room is so happy with the sun shining in.

Natalie wears costumes every day. I probably should wash those sometime but right now it has cut down on laundry. I wonder to myself at what point do you wash the costumes when the costume is being changed every two hours? Hmm...

Instead of going out into the world on colder days we sit in pajamas and try to stuff various toys into small baggies. Sometimes we succeed and sometimes we scream a little. It's a learning experience.

And when we do venture out it's to soccer practice or a soccer game.
I promise I take the girls to parks, the library, to eat donuts...just not when it is cold and rainy.
(Kate is the goalie in yellow.)

It's been a rough start to the spring soccer season.
However, it has been a lot of fun to watch Kate change and grow with each new season.


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