Round here roundup...

Things around here...

We've been dancing to LOTS of 80's music...

And LOTS of 90's music...

And even some music from the 00's...

We dance a lot in our, A LOT! Drive past our house and you are bound to see someone shaking their money maker to Chumbawamba's Tubthumper. Yep, that's a real song and a real band, in case you didn't know.

Dancing is a great way to turn around the drama that comes with four little girls.

Speaking of girls, Maddie turned 11 months old and has been climbing everything that isn't ground level. Stairs, couches, chairs, benches, even things that aren't meant to be furniture she finds a way to climb on top and plant her rear end where it doesn't belong. And if one of her sisters is sitting, Maddie's preferred spot to roost is on their lap. She typically spends her time sticking her fingers in their mouth while she sits on them. And occasionally pull hair. Every once in awhile her finger finds it's way up their nose. Nonstop entertainment, I tell ya.

Before the weather warmed we played a lot of make believe, like French toy store...

Do you stock blocks? Oui!

We also play lots of restaurant, and kitchen, and grocery store, and bus driver.
I sometimes try to sneak away because after awhile these games getting a wee bit boring.
Somehow they always realize when I'm missing.
Yes, that's a play Keurig in the foreground and yes, it is one of my favorite toys. :)

Sometimes when I need to buy myself a few minutes away I give Maddie a toothbrush. 
Works every time!

The big girls have been around quite a bit too thanks to the Tuesday vomiting flu. For the past three weeks the moment that calendar flips from Monday to Tuesday someone barfs. Three Tuesdays in a row! How can that be? Praying the fourth Tuesday is the charm? We've missed out on some pretty fun stuff thanks to "Toss Your Cookies Tuesday." Perhaps we should stop scheduling things for Tuesdays, or Wednesdays, or Thursdays for that matter, and the barfs will stay away from us? Or maybe the barfs will just come to visit on the weekends instead? Hmm...

In other news... I have no other news. We just spend our time dancing, playing, barfing, and running around outside.

Cheers to a good weekend!


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