Kids are my jam...

How Sarah got her groove back? The answer is slowly. Very slowly. Two months ago when school started back up I felt like I could climb a mountain, paint a house, create world peace. But then we were struck down with a stomach bug, head colds, me sleeping like an hour and a half a night, blah, blah, blah. 

While smooth sailing is not how I'd describe our every day, it is going alright. And ain't nothing wrong with alright.

And while it is 1:05 p.m. on a Wednesday afternoon and I am still in my cozy pajamas, I must say it is flippin' cold outside, we have done a bunch of laundry, and played 847,003 games of doctor.

When you raise little kids you begin to notice life is a series of phases. You might be stuck in a tough phase right now but tomorrow or next week or maybe even next month you will forget today's struggles and will have moved on to a set of new challenges. Focus on nothing but the hard times and you will miss all the good. Remember the good. 


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