Ordinary days...

I'm not sure what is going on in my house today. Madeline is napping, the older three are playing together (?!?!?!) and I have cleaned, paid bills and now I'm blogging. Today is like Twilight Zone meets Parenthood meets Adventures in Babysitting...or something like that. Perhaps I woke up in someone else's life? Either way I will gladly take what this day is giving and count my blessings, oh, and hope my typing this isn't a jinx.

School begins in a week from today. CJ will start Kindergarten and Kate will enter 3rd grade. I have never been a person who is afraid of change so I honestly do not feel the least bit sad about them moving onto new things. CJ is going to love school- time with friends at recess, her own assigned seat in the classroom, a new library with new books... And Kate. I love that Kate is growing up. I have no complaints. It is fun having slightly older kids in the house.

As for the other girls? Well I'm looking forward to some days with only two in the house. I think this school year is going to be pretty fabulous.

Obviously on old picture...Maddie has hair!

She has since learned to ride a bike with training wheels.
Clearly I need to load pictures more often.

I think we were playing the zerbert game...you know, where you blow on tummies.
That would explain why everyone appears to be wearing crop tops.


And more sisters!


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