Life with four...

It isn't often all six of us go anywhere together. Church is truly about the only place you will see us all at the same time. Our annual family vacation to Clear Lake was one of the few exceptions. And while wandering between restaurants, the beach, playgrounds and our hotel we received many comments on what is seemingly unbelievable to many...we have four girls. Many people find it adorable. Lots of people tell us to hold on because the teenage years will be comparable to lying face up on the center line of I-380 during "rush hour" traffic. Personally I am kind of in love with the idea of having four girls.

Four best friends. Four blond heads to brush and style. Four sisters. Four strong, caring, smart girls who will always have a sister to count on. And while it feels that every corner Matt and I turn there is yet another little girl underfoot asking for something, it is really fun to have a house of giggles. Of course, there is fighting. What household doesn't have the occasional, or sometimes often, screaming match, am I right?

Yep, life with four little girls is pretty wild and often unpredictable. Someone is always awake it seems but we are slowly moving into a more comfortable life here. Four is pretty fantastic.


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