Wasp Ninja Returns...

For those long time blog followers you may remember this post way back in 2009 where I detailed my semi-extensive history as the self dubbed Wasp Ninja. If you are not familiar you can read about HERE. 

While I am really quite proud of my history of indoor wasp kills I look back at that 2009 post about beheading a wasp with scissors in an epic battle for my life combined with the photo of a ninja wielding a sword and I immediately think of the extremely scary group ISIS. This all makes me cringe. So I will leave that picture out of today's post and instead focus on my most recent hard fought battle with an indoor wasp who was apparently sent to avenge the death of his ancestors.

Yesterday's battle started like this...
I was walking Natalie to the bathroom sink in our "Iowa State Room" when the wasp was spotted. Now to establish the proper scene in your mind I must tell you that this room is a bit odd. The room has a bathroom but the toilet is in a small closet-like room and the sink is in the corner of the actual "Iowa State Room." So I was walking Natalie into the room to wash her hands when she sweetly declared, "bug, bug, bug" while pointing to the cold water faucet. (Yes, there is a hot water faucet and a separate cold water faucet. Old house, here.) I realize the "bug" is a wasp and immediately go into action. I explain to Natalie that Mom must "take care of" this bug and I don't want the bug to sting her if I fail. She looks deep into my eyes, understands I mean business and gently accepts my terms of hiding her in her bedroom with the door shut despite the fact she JUST woke up from nap.

I place Natalie in her room, give her the all important pacifier that is usually reserved for bed time only (yes, I know we need to get rid of it...another story for another time), close the door and go into action. I zip on my winter coat, secure a stocking cap atop my head, dig out gloves to protect my hands and wrap a scarf around my face. The only skin visible is my eyes. I fill a spray bottle with hot, soapy water and proceed into battle. The wasp is still drinking from the tap (didn't know they could do that). I approach him and start firing away. Imagine a battle similar to this...

And similar to the movies I was spraying so feverishly that my spray bottle somehow dismantled mid-battle and I was forced to take cover. I leaped into the nearby bathroom/closet, closed the door, fixed the gun I mean spray bottle and sprang back into the room to finish the job. I see the wasp is struggling but I keep firing away. I use roughly half the bottle of hot, soapy water when I notice the wasp is no longer trying to fly away. I sprint for the kitchen, grab a clear drinking glass and trap the wasp under the glass inside the sink. It is then I realize the wasp is mine and I live to tell another tale. 

Score thus far: Wasps 0 - Wasp Ninja 3

Let's hope there is not another Wasp Ninja sequel in my future because I am ready for retirement.


Thanks for the laugh, you crack me up : )

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