Ordinary summer days...


There is no greater time of year than summer for me to feel blissful about being home with my kids.

I love to watch them discover the simple pleasure of a life outdoors, cannonball jumping off the diving board, riding their bikes while the wind tangles their sun streaked hair. And I am almost always right there with them. For as much work and stress that life as a mom brings there is double the love when you get to watch your kids experience life for the first time.

Trimming and painting eighty toes and fingers takes some time.

Natalie loves to be one of the big girls. Whatever her big sisters are doing she is right there with them. If I ask Kate or CJ if they want to do something Natalie is the first girl to shoot her hand straight up into the air. There is no leaving this girl out and we like it that way. (Unless it is after 8:00 p.m. That is mom time!)

Matt and I are all about pointing out the fun of living in Iowa because we don't ever want them to move away. Plus there really is a lot of fun things to do around here; a lot of untapped adventures if you just look for them. 

One of my favorite features of where we live is the trail. We ride bikes at breakneck speeds, run full blast through the trees, stop for a snack at the gazebo and trail benches and of course, we pick mulberries from the trees. 

I promise you Natalie was enjoying herself more than she lets on in this photo. 

After yesterday's exploration we decided to bake cupcakes with homemade whipped cream. Most of us put the mulberries on top while others decided they didn't need fruit in their dessert.

I feel slightly guilty pulling mulberries off County trees but they otherwise end up falling on the trail so I figured there is no harm. My brother and I used to climb my grandma's mulberry tree and eat from it for hours. We would of course return with stained clothes and fingers but what kid cares about that. Making memories we are and enjoying the simple pleasures of exploring whatever is right outside our front door.


Unknown said…
Love your blog Sara! I'll keep watching for the next one :) What a great mom you are!

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