Ordinary days...

How was your weekend? In light of graduation month I am going to officially award my weekend with an A++. It was fabulous and simple with plenty-o time hanging around the house and do family things. My brain cannot drum up the last weekend all five of us sat around with each other. Mother Nature really cooperated and we took full advantage of her gift logging several hours outdoors. Soccer, bike riding, porch swinging, playgrounds, t-ball, bubbles, scooters, grilling, visiting with neighbors, books...we were busy in the best way possible.

Natalie was too busy running back and forth while chasing a walnut shell to pause for a picture.

Per usual, CJ was uninterested in looking at the camera. At least I got a half smile out of her. 
And after the photo she used that cone as a megaphone. It was a fun weekend, and occasionally very loud.

This summer Natalie is just big enough to climb onto the porch swing by herself. 
She is big stuff and is not afraid to tell you.

Between a soccer match, soccer practice and two impromptu soccer games among family and a friend, Kate played a lot of soccer. I think she was in shin guards most of the weekend actually. (But back to the impromptu soccer games. In the first game The Care Bears {Matt & I} beat The Stars & Hearts {Kate, CJ and their friend Allison} in a game 5 to 1. The second game The Smurfettes {Matt and Allison} beat The Chippettes {Kate and me} 2 to 1. It was a hard fought battle and I got waaaaay too into it.)

Below is a performance Kate asked me to watch. She sang a remix of Cyndi Lauper's "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun." I'm totally with her.

And by the end of the weekend we were all wiped out. The house was a little messy, we were all ready for bed and maybe even a little sun kissed from all our adventures. I am really starting to get excited for the start of summer.

Today I even picked up a few summer art supplies. Despite the lack of a real summer schedule I am hoping to squeeze in lots of craft time, books and of course visits to the swimming pool.

Now if we could just get some consistently warm days my master plan will be complete.


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