My favorite saint...

Nearly two years ago to date I was semi-mego prego (read pregnant and feeling like I swallowed a basketball) when I pitched an idea to Matt. "Hey, let's go on vacation. Just the two of us." After Matt lovingly pointed out the obvious road block to my plan I suggested we wait til the spring of 2014. Through 2013, between not sleeping at night and chasing kids by day, we unsuccessfully debated on where to vacation. Matt would rather take up smoking than leave the country so we were limited to the 48 continental States. (He is terrified of being falsely accused and subsequently imprisoned in a foreign country. That is the lawyer in him. And I get it, but I'm also willing to risk it.) After a year we realized the debate may never end. Then Matt asked if he could just book the vacation and surprise me. Sidenote: Matt independently planned our honeymoon and did a super job. Based on past success I agreed to his idea. Shortly thereafter I received a letter with a clue to where our vacation is located. I solved his puzzle, picked up the next clue, and narrowed the choices down to 4 possible locations based on his clues.

By the way, the two clues I remember are:
Clue 1. It is the setting of a John Grisham novel. Of course, Grisham has countless novels and most of the settings change location throughout the book.
Clue 2. Neither of us have ever been there.

So we were down to four possible States:

4. New Mexico? No.
3. Maine? No.
2. Montana? No.
1. I mentally prepared myself for this one because it was the last and final State that met all the criteria, and I said:

"Well we will find plenty of fun things to do in ARKANSAS?!?!?!"

And thank the heavens Matt said NO!

I intentionally crossed off THE vacation destination because I thought there was no way, no how he would ever select this location. But I should have done my math first.

Extreme stress at work + Staying inside the U.S. + Desire to destroy cell phone accessibility + Sarah's love for all things warm = St. John, USVI

Two years of planning, saving, and dreaming. And we leave Sunday.

Where our house sits.

View from the house.

And another view.

PS: We have multiple adult Kung Fu experts staying at our house while we are away so don't even think about robbing us. Whenever we go on vacation I can't help but think of one of my favorite commercials. It makes me laugh and laugh.

Well at least the scene with the lady posting vacation plans on Facebook and her facial reaction make me laugh. And isn't it ridiculous that before you can watch the commercial you have to watch a different commercial first?!

If you didn't find that funny then let me play for you my other favorite commercial. Matt detests it. I love it.

Their marketing strategy clearly didn't work on me because I couldn't remember what either commercial was advertising but I appreciate their goofy humor. Everyone needs a little goofy in their life.

I think I've gotten of topic. See, I'm in vacation mode already. *smile*


Julie Ulven said…
Oh! You will have a wonderful time and "way to go Matt!" Enjoy. Relax. Eat and sleep in!
Dawn said…
Mark planned our surprise honeymoon too (way to go men)! And we went to St. John in the USVI since Mark didn't have a passport and I wanted to go somewhere neither of us had been and it should have a beach. I hope you two have an amazing time! I'm curious where you are staying too. Nice work Matt! Enjoy your fabulous kid-free vacation!

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