Ordinary Days...

It is Valentine's Day. Despite those who curse this day I really kind of like it. Not because I expect to be showered with roses, chocolates and diamonds but because the colors of Valentine's are a wake-up from the long winter. Plus I really like to make heart shaped foods. It's fun, darn it! (Tonight's dinner is heart shaped pizzas with cheese cut into heart shapes.)

Winter is affecting everyone in a big way this year. These long winter days have finally brought me to my breaking point. Cabin fever has made me cranky with my babies but the arrival of Valentine's is a reminder that winter is nearly behind us and HALLELUJAH for that!! So on this cold winter Valentine's I say yes to the inundation of pink and red. Yes to the cheesy exchanges of love and sympathy. Yes to lots of chocolate! I have many reasons to feel a whole lotta love today...


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