Chevron dreams...

Winter. We are in an abusive relationship right now. Winter slaps me hard in the face and I curse it's name with all of my flip-flop loving brains. It is time to break up. That is all I will say about that.

In other news I am dreaming of a kitchen floor makeover. Here are some of my favorites...

Looking at this floor and I just slipped in a pile of my own drool.

This floor pic is a pin-up for awesome women everywhere. 

I can just see myself twirling circles in my socks all over this floor.

I love you black hex tile.

Drooly, drooly, drooly...

Our existing kitchen floor is linoleum with a layer of lovely asbestos tile hiding beneath. Who doesn't love themselves a big breath of asbestos? Someday I will pull the new floor trigger and dance every morning upon a gorgeous tile kitchen floor with coffee in hand and Wang Chung in my heart. But for now I will continue to annoy any one who follows me on Pinterest with continuous pins of chevron patterned floors. I showed Matt some of my favorites and he felt they were a little wild for his taste. He must have seen the sad look in my eye because he followed it up with, "But you will probably just choose what you want, right?" He knows me so well.


Love it! This post made me laugh out loud more than once. Someday your kitchen floor is going to be absolutely awesome!

P.S. I'm cheering you on as you sock it to winter!

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