Life ain't like Pinterest...

This past week, while laying on a gorgeous beach, I had a lot of time to think. (More on the beach part in a future post.) I didn't do any deep thinking, rather I planned. I spent time plotting out action steps to accomplish several goals I have sat on for a long time. Namely those goals are to get organized. Throw out junk (one of my guilty pleasures) and find a good, solid method to organize the remaining stuff in an eye pleasing manner (something I am quite terrible at doing.) So where does the modern woman turn to first for help and inspiration? Pinterest. Oh, Pinterest. I love you and I hate you.

Who, I dare ask, has a house that resembles the beauty found on Pinterest? I will tell you who... Only those people who live in the homes on Pinterest. No one else. If someone did have a house with fantastic entryway benches, perfectly ironed bed linens, adorable chevron, quilted, tot-sized headboards with manicured fingers and Martha Stewart stew in the kitchen then they would take pictures and find a way to share their perfection with all the world on Pinterest. It is not me. And I doubt it is you either. No offense, of course. Because those people are few and far between. But if you are one of those people would you please send me photos so I can pin them and never accomplish anything beyond that. Thanks.

As a tribute to all of the real households out there let me share a few photos of my reality. Pin them if you must.

I started a wall collage in the upstairs hallway in AUGUST! It has looked like this ever since...

Vacation remnants...

My entryway. It's not half bad since I decluttered earlier today.

"The Iowa State Room" which has been taken over by kids...

And a vacation picture...because it makes me happy.


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