
I just sat down to write a blog post...this very post, as a matter of fact, when I heard my dear sweet Natalie start to fuss in her crib. Oh parenting. You can plan your day all you want but real life plays out different than what is on paper. a big thoughtful blog post becomes something rushed. Oh well. I specialize in rushed.

Matt and I went to the big city of Ames last night to watch Lucy pull the football away from Charlie Brown yet again. With a win practically in their pocket the Cyclones instead walked away with their shoulders slumped and an ache in their heart. At least Matt and I had ourselves some fun. And today we feel like Natalie in this photo...

In case you are unsure what a slumped shoulder Charlie Brown walk looks like, check out this video...

Little Miss Natalie thinks she is big stuff lately climbing into dishwashers, emptying drawers and standing on step stools when the first parent looks away. She turns one next week and I think this second year is going to bring a whole lot of fun... yes, I'll call it fun. *smile*

My baby put her baby down for a nap the other day. She is a caregiver. Well, when she's not tossing baby around by her hair.

Parenting is full of hurdles. Lately the only way to get spunky CJ to cooperate at bedtime is to give her a piggy back ride on top of a piggy back ride. What is one chiropractic session if all tears and drama are eliminated, right Matt?

And finally...children in a box. What better toy is there? CJ (and Kate, not pictured) have sported an ever-lasting-Gobstopper type face tattoo for a good week now. We have scrubbed that baby with everything short of a rotating sander and it won't come off. Someone told me to try olive oil. That sounds much gentler.

Until next time...


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