
The littlest Craft partied hardy last week upon the arrival of her first birthday. We devoured cupcakes, we chased helium balloons, she opened gifts (with a bit too much help from her sisters) and we sang under a pink ball like pom-pom thing hung in the dining room. You know what, she didn't really care. But what one year old does? She had no idea it was her birthday or what a birthday even means. That doesn't, however, mean she didn't soak up every ounce of attention oozing her direction from grandparents, her mom and dad and her sweet sisters.

Upon reaching her first birthday Natalie would like to announce the following statistics of interest.

*She sports seven teeth... yes seven. That's okay. I like the number seven.
*She took her first steps about one week prior to her birthday and hasn't progressed too much since but I'm sure that is coming.
*Natalie loves climbing anything she should not. I often find her atop the couch with the television remote in hand wearing only a diaper (no lie). She can also be found sitting on the stairs gnawing on shoes (yes, kind of like a dog...a super, cute puppy dog).
*She loves anything to do with her sisters and they make her giggle almost every time they enter a room.
*Her favorite game is peek-a-boo and she often initiates it.
*Her second favorite game is puppy races. Everyone gets on the floor and races around panting like dogs. If you are lucky maybe one day I will post the video on youtube. Oh yes, there is a video.
*Natalie loves food. Food, food, food. She loves to try anything. She has even eaten mildly spicy things with a big ol' grin on her face. (I'm sure this will change but I will enjoy it now).
*She has hair...and that is more than we could say for her sisters upon their first birthdays.
*Natalie tries to talk all the time. While she is not yet saying any real words she carries on at you like she has very important things to say. Hot dog, this girl is gonna be a talker.
*And last but not least she is loving, cuddly, sweet and dang she is smart. Smart like a whip I tell ya. I can just tell. Mothers have these instincts.

Happy birthday Miss Natalie! You are blessing from God and we are so very grateful!
We love you to pieces!


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