Rocking it...

Holla! So I was walking through Natalie's room with the lights off when I stepped on something that squished and yet felt crunchy at the same time. It stuck to my foot for a few seconds and then I lost it in the dark. I have yet to figure out what it was because I was in process of laying Natalie down and was not about to mess up the system. And for some unknown reason it was at that gross out moment I realized I have one child asleep, one at school and the other occupying herself with pink haired ponies. It was also at that moment I remembered I still have a blog and maybe I should actually update it.

Blog updates have become a luxury this summer. Not that I have worked all summer; one peek in our windows and you'd know I haven't lifted many fingers. Rather when I have a moment to myself I almost literally collapse on the couch with the television remote in one hand and an over sized bowl of ice cream in the other. Call me lazy but these sweet children o' mine wear me down. Every day is a marathon and I give myself a mental high five when I cross the daily finish line.

But today...despite my reluctance to admit my oldest baby is a now a first grader and my second baby is starting four year old preschool and that my third baby stood by herself for the first time yesterday I am excited. I am proud that my girls are growing up to be strong in mind and body. I love that they ride Razor scooters and bikes in pink, kitty cat helmets. I love that they are learning to read and know how to run the tv better than me. I love that the library is one of their favorite places and they dig for bugs with their bare hands. Yes, growing up isn't all bad. There is a whole lot of good that comes with it. So we are starting the new school year with a kick butt attitude. We are gonna rock it!

First grader! She loves those shoes.

This is so Kate...

School girls ready for the playground!

And finally the whole crew (minus sleepy Natalie who is recovering from strep throat.) These boys live next door and you can either find them at our house or find my girls at their house. So happy they all get along so well! Kate and Asher (3rd grade) are walking to school together this year. I'm trying not to worry. :)


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