So long old friend...

Last Friday we put down our family pet.
I got Baxter when she was six years old and she lived with me for eleven years. 

She was a sweet, old kitty who loved to shed, beg to be petted and she either grew to love the presence of children in the house or she just merely learned to tolerate it. With the addition of each kid Baxter became less bothered by the inevitable tail tugging.

With each passing day this month Baxter ate less and less. In her last days she maybe ate a few bites of food and then immediately vomited. Friday morning she hadn't eaten anything. I watched her drink some water and then a few minutes later she got sick. Things were trending toward the end and I could tell she was miserable. 

Last Friday morning as soon as the girls woke I took some pictures of them with Baxter and told them to give her some good snuggles because she would be heading out to the vet. I reminded them that Baxter was old and sick and may not return home and that is exactly what happened. Poor, sweet kitty.

We had a lot of fun with Baxter when she was young and frisky but it was clearly her time to go. So long old pal. We will miss you.

Baxter and Natalie striking very similar poses...

Random photo of baby cuteness...

Four out of five of Matt's girls...

And Kate begged to get a photo of me with Baxter and crew. I should have at least brushed my hair first...


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