Saturday morning...

It is an unusually quiet Saturday morning around here. The day began like any other with a kid waking with the sun. Since that early morning hour I have gone for a run, shipped off two girls for a birthday party and Matt is off golfing. Natalie is sleeping and I just finished off a plate of bacon, eggs, toast, two cups of coffee and I even had a little dessert. I'm a big breakfast eater, can ya tell?! (I did go for a lovely run this morning on the trails so I was ready for some food.) 

I am soaking up the quiet this morning and thought why not pull together a blog post? So here we go...

A couple of weeks ago the girls pulled out the garden hose and I dusted off my camera.

I am overflowing with summer excitement. Pool time, no real schedules, park visits, bike rides, ice cream outdoors, porch swing (yet to be installed), family golfing, vacation, weddings, t-ball... I am really looking forward to it all. We will have bumps in the road for sure with three girls at three different levels of swimming ability, still fitting in naps, nightly baths etc...but overall I think this summer is going to be extra fabulous.

I'm experimenting with something this summer. I made a list of activities the girls can complete to earn money. Each Friday the "Craft Store" will be open at our house and they can use their play money to buy things like stickers, pipe cleaners, colored tape, glittery markers, etc. The activities are simple things like make their bed, read/look at books for 20 minutes in their room, empty the dishwasher, put their clothes in their drawers and a few others. I'm hoping this will teach a little money management and responsibility. (They will still have activities without compensation such as clean up toys.) The "store" opens for the first time next week and they have already started earning "money." As expected, Kate has worked a lot harder at this than CJ, then again CJ is only three.

Oh, so what was Natalie doing while the girls sprayed each other and I took pictures? Sweet baby Natalie sat in her stroller with the biggest, happiest, cutest smile on her face. She totally wants in on the action...

"Come on, say it! I am the best baby ever. We all know it!" 

Kate was taunting CJ...but what else is new. 

CJ and her dresses... I am planning a Goodwill trip to find her more cheap dresses she wear while playing. She may love to dress up but the girl doesn't shy away from dirt either. 

Bring on summer. I think we are ready!


What fabulous pictures! That's a fun chore idea, too. I'm curious to hear how it goes. I talked Emily into picking up sticks in the yard for $.50/side (x3 sides of the house = $1.50). It was well worth it, and she was an eager helper. I offered the same deal to Lincoln. He just pulled the wagon full of sticks around on the grass. He earned a quarter. :) However, on any given day Emily might have no interest in helping at all, regardless of the earning potential.

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