7 months...

The seventh month of life for Natalie was a big one. When month six rolled around Natalie was still baby like. Since then she has sprouted two teeth, rolls all over the house, sits up with occasional assistance, eats like a champ (as evidenced by her rolly polly thighs...which I LOVE!) and gets up on all four in preparation of crawling.

I love this pic. This is pretty typical for Natalie. She looks around with a full-on open mouth smile while her sisters spin, jump, twirl, flop non-stop.

Yep, it has been a big month for our youngest as she begins the gradual transition from infant to toddler. 
I have a good feeling this girl is going to be just as wild, and just as fun, as her older sisters. 
Our girls have spunk.

We love you, Natalie! You continue to amaze us with your endless smiles and laid back attitude. I can't wait to see what you have in store for your eighth month!


She is just so adorable. I can see how she just melts your heart!

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