
March Madness is a big deal in our house. The first couple days of the tournament Matt takes off from work in the afternoon, brings home takeout for lunch, we put the girls to nap and watch endless basketball games while we stuff our faces. It is the kind of date I dreamed of as a girl.

Each year many of our extended family members create their own bracket and join in a family pool. No money is at stake, although that idea is kind of intriguing. Of course I participate each year too and after I make my picks and before the games begin I type out an extraordinarily long blog post detailing my rationale for choosing team A over team B. I halfway debated not writing the post this year because I thought it was played out. But upon suggesting this I was boo-ed by my husband and so here I sit. 

My rationale is usually simple or at least I feel that way. I will admit I am prone to sometimes simply choosing the higher seed and I have been caught watching ESPN at the gym trying to catch what the dudes on television think about Gonzaga or Colorado State. I even listened to the Dan Patrick show for a short while one morning...but we're talking ten minutes and then I was bored. Despite the extremely minor tidbits of help I have caught at the gym or while driving my super cute mini-van, my picks are mostly just me thinking things through logically.

So without further ado let me publicly share my 2013 NCAA men's basketball picks. Please feel free to use my selections to benefit your own bracket.

Louisville v NCAT/Liberty: What a boring way to start this post. Louisville is a #1 seed. I chose Louisville.

Colorado St v Missouri: I went back and forth on this game about a dozen times. I really like the State of Colorado. I don't hold much loyalty whatsoever to the school but I really dig skiing. I've never been a big fan of the State of Missouri except that I really like Kansas City but that community lies partly in Missouri and partly in Kansas. So anyway, my love of skiing out weighed my partial interest in a city that lies only halfway in the State of Missouri. Make sense? It does to me. I choose Colorado St.

Oklahoma St v Oregon: When Kate was 10 months old Matt and I took a trip to Portland where we ate at Voodoo donuts and lived among the hippies for several days...but we didn't smoke pot or wear tie-dye. While I don't think the school Oregon is actually in Portland it was a great trip and I therefore had to choose "their" school.

St. Louis v New Mexico St: Growing up my family and I took several trips to St. Louis. We watched the Cardinals, swayed atop the St. Louis arch and watched guys sing and dance while making fudge in a mall...true story. And despite the time my dad was almost attacked by a bunch of thugs in St. Louis while using a payphone I still chose St. Louis to win this game. By the way, there is a strong chance that the story about my dad is not at all true. I don't think my parents generally lie to me but they have been caught many times using made up stories to get me to learn a lesson. Like the time they told me they saw a flying saucer when in college. It was probably their way of telling me not to use drugs.

Memphis v MTSU/SMC: Well my initials are SMC; Sarah Marie Craft but I have to ask, what kind of school has that many acronyms in their name? I went with Memphis.

Michigan St v Valparaiso: I applied to Michigan St for graduate school. No idea why really. I was also a collegiate swimmer and traveled to Valparaiso one year for a big meet. While I didn't partake in any wrong doings during our school trip to Valparaiso, I later found out that some of the guy swimmers did and the entire team got into HUGE trouble. Our sweet, gentle coach yelled like he had a fire under his butt and a rabid dog on his head. It was ugly. I later found out what the guys did and I'm not going to disclose that information here but after all the yelling I've never been fond of Valparaiso and so I hope they lose.

Creighton v Cincinnati: Liz Lemon from the former hit television show "30 Rock" taught me that everyone is a model in...wait, that was Cleveland. Nevermind. Greg McDermott is pretty cool. I'll go with Creighton.

Duke v Albany: Remember that children's book, "The Digging-est Dog"? Well the dog in that book is named Duke and it is one of our favorite reads. Duke will surely win this game.

Kansas v Western Kentucky: No interest in Western Kentucky in any shape, way or form. Kansas is a #1 seed plus my Iowa State loving husband says refs will do anything to help Kansas win so I better go with Kansas here. (smile)

UNC v Villanova: I really kind of like the schools with unusual names that don't use the word "State" or "University of" and those that don't borrow their city or state name. So naturally I would gravitate towards Villanova but for some reason I have always liked the State of North Carolina. I think it has something to do with the movie "The Notebook" which took place there and stars my favorite actor, Ryan Gosling. So long story short, in this game I choose Ryan Gosling.

VCU v Akron: Don't really care whatsoever so I took the higher seed. VCU.

Michigan v South Dakota State: My aunt and uncle just bought a house in South Dakota but I'm just not feeling a South Dakota State win so I went with Michigan.

UCLA v Minnesota: California is warm(er). I like warm, especially right now as we celebrate the start of spring with single digit wind chills. UCLA is my pick.

Florida v NW State: NW State? I hate to sound like an idiot here but huh? The NW part of what state? And really it doesn't matter. My first home is Iowa and my second home will always and forever be the state of Florida. I big, puffy heart you Florida and you shall win this game.

San Diego St v Oklahoma: I love San Diego State! And when I say San Diego State I mean ice cream. And I like ice cream a whole lot more than Oklahoma. I promise I'm not drinking as I type this post.

Georgetown v Florida Gulf: Okay, brace yourself. I chose Georgetown despite my deep affection for all things Southern Florida. But really what are the chances of Florida Gulf beating Georgetown? Pretty darn slim, really. And I have an embarrassing confession for you. I figured I'm probably far enough along in this blog post that everyone has stopped reading and I can freely share my embarrassing secret and get it off my chest. When I was about 14 or 15 I had a Georgetown sweatshirt I picked up cheap at Eby's. Remember that store?! Anyway, I loved it. Wore it all the time in fact. Well because I loved that sweatshirt and because I was only 14 or 15 I decided Georgetown sounded like a good place to attend college. I shared this news with my parents, they looked at me like, "fat chance you're going to Georgetown" and I probably then told all of my friends the good news. I didn't go to Georgetown and thank goodness for that because at the time I believed Georgetown was located in Georgia. ('s really in Washington D.C.) I was very literal back then and why would a school called Georgetown not be in Georgia. Made sense to me. I now know the many errors of my ways. But that is part of growing up. My mom can now stop telling stories about me wanting to go to Georgetown because really I wanted to live in the State of Georgia. I promise I'm smarter now...and I no longer want to live in Georgia.

Indiana v LIU-B/JMU: Indiana

NC State v Temple: Tough one. I'm not sure where or how Temple got it's name but I immediately think of church when I hear it. And while I like Ryan Gosling (remember my North Carolina thoughts?) I had to choose God over Ryan Gosling.

UNLV v California: I'm betting on Vegas.

Syracuse v Montana: Syracuse/Sarahcuse...enough said.

Butler v Bucknell: I've always wanted a butler.

Marquette v Davidson: This game is like a match-up between ivy league college boys with rich kid names. "Oh, Marquette, don't forget you have your polo lesson tomorrow after tea." "Davidson, will you ask the butler to answer the door, darling." But Marquette sounds slightly more masculine so surely they will win in this testosterone battle.

Illinois v Colorado: One of my favorite friends lives in Chicago so I had to go with Illinois.

Miami v Pacific: My heart belongs to all things south Florida. Miami!

Gonzaga v Southern U: Again...this school is located in the south of where? None the less I have always liked Gonzaga purely for their name and it helps they are a #1 seed. I went with Gonzaga.

Pittsburgh v Wichita State: As Matt's dad, Mike, pointed out the other day Wichita isn't a State. (smile) And although the nickname Pitt kind of gives me the creeps I still went with the creepers and voted Pittsburgh.

Wisconsin v Ole Miss: Is Ole Miss like "the days of yore"? You know, one of those things/places/events that happened so long ago that they are graced with a name which is not common among the commoners? I think I'm becoming slightly delirious. Wisconsin is my pick to click.

Kansas State v BSU/LaSalle: Thanks to Keanu Reeves, Sandra Bullock and their hit movie "Speed" I have for most of my life known the Kansas State mascot. Since then I've thought Wildcats are a fun college representative and so I went with K State.

Arizona v Belmont: While I was a broke college student I purchased a pullover jacket on clearance, probably at Eby's again. The jacket had a great big letter A on it and for some reason I thought it stood for Atlanta. (I guess I was literal about things back then too...or I just believed what I wanted to believe.) Well one afternoon while talking with one of my Economics professors someone pipes up, "Are you an Arizona fan? Me too!" And I said, "No, this is an Atlanta jacket." Stubborn me wouldn't give in and after a quick internet search I found that I was wrong and forever embarrassed. I never wore that jacket again. I guess I was literal and dramatic, eh?

New Mexico v Harvard: New Mexico. Those Harvard kids probably have to study too hard to completely perfect their basketball game.

Notre Dame v Iowa State: I kind of want to stay married so I would be a crazy person to choose any team other than Iowa State in this match up.

Ohio State v Iona: And finally, the very last game to choose and I've never heard of Iona. Well maybe I have but it's not a school I think of often. Ohio State is my predicted winner.

So there you have it. Are you actually still reading? Thanks! I'm truly looking forward to this coming Thursday and Friday if for no other reason than to hang out with my honey.

Happy March Madness!!


Love it! I look forward to this post every year. It always makes me smile! We filled out brackets last night, too. Emily picked Pacific to win it all "because I like that it has the name of an ocean."

P.S. I think it's hilarious that the only one smiling in your top banner picture is Natalie. What a cutie!
Becky Bartlett said…
I'm with Megan- love your header picture. And I, too, had a Georgetown sweatshirt that I wore constantly!!! Loved reading this! Reminded me that I need to get my picks made. I make mine about the same way you do. :)

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