Winter blues...

Who is ready for summer? Holla! (I actually never use that phrase, it just felt right.)

Old man winter can take his gusty cold breezes and head for the hills because I'm ready for bathing suit season. Although I'm sure in a couple of weeks that stinkin' groundhog will see it's shadow and we'll be wallowing in our winter sorrows for six more weeks. I wasn't designed for winter. I want to have a good attitude about it but I just can't. Winter stinks.

These bugs (which are in no way real live bugs) cause me to a double take every time I walk into the upstairs bath. It is my own fault since I bought them for the girls. They actually came inside soap bars and I thought they were pretty cool. Now they just make my skin crawl when I accidentally step on one on my way into the shower.

While we wait for the passing of old man winter the girls and I have done a whole lot of things that we're all kind of tired of. Natalie joined us the other day by perching upon the table in her Bumbo. She has awhile before she can truly be comfortable sitting up on her own but it was a fun few minutes for the girls. (Notice the random, fancy punch bowl on the table? In my efforts to clean out cupboards I found this bowl and cannot locate it's owner. I've tried a lot of people thinking it belongs to one of them but it may just be mine.)

For school Kate had to decorate a snowman to keep him from melting away. It was a family effort and we all ate more than our fair share of candy. I think he (or is it she?) turned out pretty cute.

The other day I ran upstairs for something and when I returned I found Kate and CJ laughing wildly. They had lifted Natalie's lower half and stuffed her inside a tunnel.

I could put butter or peanut butter or jelly on toast and breakfast would be almost 100% neat and clean. But if I spread Nutella on their somehow decorates their faces like a really bad make-up job. There are days when I even find Nutella on their eyelids.

Hope you and your little ones are staving off the winter blues. Thankfully Valentine's is right around the corner. I like Valentine's Day because of the colors. The bright reds, pinks and purples brighten up winter and put a smile on my face. (Yes, we have a sink next to a couch. There is a sink in one of the downstairs rooms that we call, "The Iowa State Room" because it is full of Matt's ISU stuff. There is also a toilet in the closet of this room. Rooms in old houses are just designed differently I guess. It is unique.)

Gotta dash...I've got a concert to get to.


Fun post! I'm ready for winter to be over, too. Also, I completely agree with your Nutella assessment. How does that happen?!?

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