Ordinary days...

Our girls have not spent nearly as much time playing outside as their little, energetic bodies would like. As a result they have been fired up. And some days they kind of drive me bananas. So I started keeping a list of activities they can do. We tore through several of the suggestions yesterday alone but I'm always thinking up new things to add to the list. Some of the things include, practice tying shoes, color in activity books they don't often look at, dig out toys we haven't seen in a long time, etc. Here are just some of the things I've suggested they busy themselves with...



ice skating with a Clorox wipe (read mopping!)

long lost games like Scooby Doo Bingo

She kisses the dice for luck...she may have picked this up from me.

I gave Kate a boxed brownie mix and told her to give it a shot. They actually turned out great. Don't worry, I helped with the baking part. 

And last I set up an elaborate Little People City. It includes a zoo, farm, house, park, garages and bridges. CJ is lost in her imagination and I love every peaceful minute of it!


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