Ordinary days...

CJ "reading" to Natalie

New toys from Christmas

Original thought is not really my style. Isn't that embarrassing to admit?! So in full disclosure I have to confess that I totally ripped off the subject heading of Ordinary Days from another blog that I really enjoy. It's not that this woman owns the phrase but I still feel slightly guilty for copying. So anyway, this 'ordinary days' mom focuses on keeping life simple, playing with her kids, organizing her wild days and finding moments for herself. Around here an ordinary day is a day spent at home, typically in pajamas. We really should get dressed more often. While I don't keep a solid routine we do have a good rhythm to our day. Ordinary days help kids feel comfortable in their home. They learn boundaries and limitations and have a sense of reassurance that we are there for them. And a comfortable home is one that kids will want to invite their friends to. Kate is becoming interested in having friends over and I love that she wants them to come here. (I need to get her used to that so I can keep a close eye on her when she's older and more likely to find trouble.) 

Now some ordinary days make me feel like an animal in captivity but really an ordinary day is just what we all need. They are days when my girls use their imaginations, I don't have to hurry them out the door and it's when bonding (mixed with the occasional disagreement) is most likely to happen. 

So three cheers to an ordinary day! 

CJ thought this was hilarious

I asked her to smile for the camera

Tempting the cat with golfish

CJ was NOT tempted to try them


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