Christmas hangover...

Like a lonely man after a night of drinking, the girls and I are still coming down from our two day sugar buzz. Endless cookies, candies and little wienies wrapped in bacon and brown sugar have caused me to stock up on vegetables and I'm completing hamstring curls as I type. I'm kidding, there isn't room in here to exercise. `Our living room floor looks like Toys-R-Us exploded. Toys strewn e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e! This morning I thought to myself, "I best not hear anyone claim boredom." And so far no one has. It is not physically possible to feel bored the day after Christmas, right?

We had a wonderful Christmas. When we weren't diving head first into cookie trays, we visited with lots of family. My heart was full with the good fortune of having so much family in close proximity to us. I just hope they feel the same way about us. We often resemble an out-of-control circus, but in a good that possible?

Surprisingly I don't feel the need to rip down our Christmas decorations immediately. I typically feel ready to rid the house of extra stuff once the calendar rolls over to December 26th. But so far I'm cool. (Am I alone here? When do most people tear down Christmas decorations?)

Oddly I've been thinking about my New Year's resolutions for quite some time now. I started working through my goals about a month ago. It may have something to do with the fact I spent most of 2012 pregnant and lazy. It was all worth it of course! We've got ourselves three beautiful, dreamy babies but I'm ready to reclaim myself. Get back to old Sarah who loved running, reading and enjoying the occasional margarita or caffeinated coffee. Maybe go on a date with my husband once in awhile. Then again we still have those three dreamy babies to care for so dates will probably continue to be infrequent. I have high hopes for 2013. I really do. If for no other reason than I feel really good being a family of five. 


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