Carving out time...

My blog has obviously taken a backseat as evidenced by my three week lapse in blogging. Free time isn't all that common these days as one might expect with a new baby around. However, I can't complain. I shower most days, the house is fairly clean and I even fit in a little exercise here and there. I'd say overall things are pretty darn good. Sure we have our struggles but we had those pre-baby too.

All five of us actually got out of the house together for something other than church. We traveled to Ames, ate at Hickory Park and went to an ISU basketball game. We also made the rounds to four different cities for Thanksgiving with minimal drama. We are slowly figuring out this new life. Slowly.

My week days are filled with lots of time with these two.

If CJ is within earshot then Natalie is searching for her. There is strong mutual adoration between these girls. 

Really everyone has got it together pretty well around here. I'm probably the slowest to change. I still wear sweats more often than jeans. (It would help if my jeans would actually fit.) I let the dishes sit a little longer in the sink and laundry typically stays crumpled in baskets rather than finding their way into actual dresser drawers. I keep telling myself it's time to get some real order. You know, the wake-up and exercise, shower and conquer the day type routine that I used to live. But for some reason I'm just not ready for that yet. Maybe I'll give it a try next week.

I turned a year older last week so maybe that is part of my laziness. Age doesn't agree with me? Getting older makes me tired? Eh, whatever it is I'll get it figured out. In the meantime I imagine some serious lag time will continue to exist between blog posts. I'll just keep trying to snap cute pictures so I have something to share next time I carve out time to write.

I can't take credit for this one. Both the nap and the photo are Matt's handiwork. Too bad the cat tried to tiptoe over her a few minutes later and her beautiful nap turned to unhappy cries.


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