Ordinary days...

What's up? What is new with you? We've been a little absorbed here and I feel slightly out of touch with the rest of the world. I did, however, find time to watch the debates so I at least remember there is a presidential race going on. I won't tell you who I'm voting for. Matt and I agreed we weren't even going to tell Kate. That way as she grows she can decide for herself what kind of policies are important to her. Although I imagine it will be quite awhile before she cares.

Matt started growing a beard. He does this on only two types of occasions...vacation and new baby in the house. He has since shaved it off. His beards are always short lived but the girls had fun rubbing his whiskers for the past several days.

Aunt Lindsay came for a short visit last weekend and in honor of her arrival we had a dance party. CJ arrived in style wearing a Scooby / fuzzy cat / Cinderella ensemble. 

Afterwards we taught the girls how to do the chicken dance. With the curtains wide open I'm sure the neighbors thought we had all gone completely nuts.

Kate is constantly wanting to 'sell things on the sidewalk.' I'm not kidding. This time she made greeting cards and wanted to sit outside in the rain and sell them for $1 a piece. She took photos of her cards and asked us to email them to friends and family asking if anyone wants to buy a card or two. She's a budding entrepreneur. 

Finally, Matt and the big girls have been teaching Natalie the joys of the game, 'bicycle, bicycle.' It is a household favorite. Man, Kate and CJ look long here. Of course the teeny tiny baby next to them might have some influence.


Matt said…
I'm shocked CJ wasn't staying still for the picture. 1st time ever . . .
It won't be long until Natalie is that long, too!

Also, I love the fact that Kate's cards are really a two-for-one deal (I love you--I love you too). One card for both people. That would be a great bargain for Valentine's or anniversaries vs. two separate cards for $5 each! ;o)

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