The not so peaceful and quiet...

This past Friday was a gorgeous day. So gorgeous that I decided to surprise the girls with an impromptu stop to my own personal happy place, Hickory Hills. (Disclaimer: my real happy place is probably sitting ocean side on the beach but this is as close as we could get in a short 10 minute car ride.) I have some mad love for this place. Seriously there is almost no one else there when we visit. The girls run like free range chickens and I take in the peaceful views.

Of course, this time of year we have to sometimes play a little goose poop hopscotch. We don't actually touch the goose poop, we just bounce over it in attempt to avoid stepping directly in it. While no one has fallen in it YET we have come dangerously close.

Thankfully I wised up and tossed TWO buckets and TWO shovels into the van this time. CJ filled her bucket with rocks, dirt and sand while Kate dug for 'buried treasure.' 

I just love the light out there. Plus the photo subjects are pretty darn adorable.

We typically have a routine to our play at Hickory Hills; dig in the sand, swing at the park, play goose poop hopscotch, pretend to fish, throw rocks over the bridge and explore the nature trails.

Our trip out there is ordinarily quite peaceful but for some reason one of my little girls decided to howl at the non-existent wild animals at an ear shattering volume. So this time was a little less peaceful and a lot more noisy. I hope our next trip out I will have a sleeping baby in my arms and no one, animal nor child, will howl. But I'll take what I can get.


The pictures you take at Hickory Hills are always so beautiful and amazing. It really makes me want to go sometime. I wish it were closer!

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