Hot stuff...

My favorite season is summer. Actually, if I had to be honest, my favorite season is probably the beginning of a new season. I'm excited about summer in June with hopes of swimsuits, beaches and vacation. But then suddenly come the end of August my favorite season is fall with the start of football, cool temps, leaves changing and sweatshirts waiting to be worn. Right now, it is apparently still summer. Someone around here is totally cool with it.

I've always felt that summer should end the moment school begins. Even when I'm not in school or didn't have kids in school, it just felt like the heat and humidity should be done once the school bells rang.

This week's forecast is telling me my school thoughts are most definitely wrong. 
The 90 degree days shall reign.

Oh, I know these are fighting words. Old man winter just read this blog post and laughed out loud. I will regret my wish for cool weather...eventually. But right now my patience for the end of hot, hot and more hot is wearing verrrry thin.

So with no other choice but to sweat or sit in air conditioning I guess I must turn my frown upside down and quit whining.

I'll just take my cues from the kids because they sure as heck don't seem to care about the weather.

PS: With Kate in school I end up taking a lot more CJ photos. Thankfully she is a good sport.


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