Her day...

Today is Wednesday, August 22nd. 
It is your first day of Kindergarten.
How do you feel about that Kate?

She's been awaiting this day for two years. No lie.
Hopefully it lives up to her expectations.
I know one thing that will disappoint her though.
She fully, 100% believes that entry into Kindergarten means you join 'the track team.' 
Does P.E. count?

If the outfit and poses don't describe Kate then I don't know what would.
This is sooooo Kate.

Little CJ was wishing it was her big day as well but she has to wait until Thursday.
I broke the news with a donut so she recovered pretty quickly.

Can you tell this girl is excited?

She leaped out of bed at 7:00 a.m. 
She was dressed in an honest 30 seconds and gleefully skipped downstairs. 
We were ready to head out the door forty minutes before school was set to begin.
It's a day of celebration for Miss Kate and I can't wait to hear all about her day.


I can't wait to hear about it, too! So cute!
Katie Rathe said…
What precious memories! Hope she's loving it!

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