What we've been up to...

Why hello there. What is new with you? The blog world and I have been slightly estranged so far this summer. I can't say it is due to extreme productivity or selfless acts of giving to charities. Rather we've been selfishly soaking up every ounce of summer fun and sun. And that is about all we've done. 

When dreaming of the day I might give up a career to raise children I knew it would be hard work. But I also knew what kind of mom I would be in the summer months; a pool rat mama. And that is totally what we are...pool rats. It sounds derogatory but it just simply means we almost literally live at the pool. Our mornings are filled with swimming lessons while the afternoons are for playing in the pool or sprinkler. And some days we even return for a bonus dunk in the evenings. We're chlorine logged and loving it.

CJ has taught herself back flips in the deep end and how to belly flop off the diving board. Kate completes goofy tricks off the high dive and spends ample time perfecting front flips in the water. 

I have developed an obsession with iced coffee. (Just ask for iced coffee with half and half and a wee bit of sweetener rather than a vanilla latte or mocha. It's almost $2 cheaper and tastes just as good.)

I have also thoroughly enjoyed the discovery of skirts and dresses, primarily because I no longer fit into any of my shorts. Life is much cooler and comfortable. I also enjoy finding clearance flip flops. There is a bright side to having skis for feet. 

When I myself don't fall asleep during afternoon nap time I have been reading. It is a nice switch up from this spring when I mentally hit a reading road block and found myself with zero motivation to pick up a book. So far I've read "The Flight of Gemma Hardy" and "Gone Girl". I just started reading "Wild" although it is an Oprah pick and I'm not a big fan of Oprah Book Club books but we'll see how it goes.

I'm not sure what kind of meals other families eat during summer months but as of late many of our meals have been on buns, which I suppose isn't all that great for our own bodily buns. Summer fruits and meats on the grill is about all I've managed to cook so far this year. Easy meals means we can get to the pool faster. Oh how I love summer!


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