weekend celebrations and a walk of shame...

Last weekend was our town's annual celebration. The girls rode carnival rides. I dizzied myself by saying no after spending their college fund on ride tickets. Matt golfed. And a whole lot of people thoroughly enjoyed the beer tent.

 Did you know ladybugs wear glasses?

Despite the fact the girls couldn't crack a smile for a photo, they truly did enjoy themselves. Really...I swear...they did have fun. Don't let these solemn faces fool you. I think they were just overwhelmed. Or scared of the carnies.

Aha, a smile. Caught!

Of course the weekend involved fireworks. Really great fireworks. But I know my girls and if I kept them up until 10 to watch those fireworks we'd have heck to pay the next day. So I put them to bed and woke them just long enough to watch from our driveway...and then they went straight back to bed. See, I'm fun...kinda.

And to wind down the weekend we celebrated Father's Day. Matt enjoyed a whole lot of couch time while the girls played with his gifts... a whoopie cushion and stretchy bugs that you can fling across the room and subsequently at one another.

I've been shot with bugs a lot these past few days.

And we all took turns sitting on the whoopie cushion. Boy, these girls think it is funny.

Oh look, Matt rotated to the other side of the couch.

And then while we were prepping to go outside I saw this woman walk by.

Yep, that is her bra strung through her belt loop. I cropped her head out of the pic just in case this is your daughter or wife or whatever. I think that may even be a pack of cigarettes in her hand. Ah, nothing says happy Sunday / Father's Day like a walk of shame. She must have had herself a wild weekend.

We had a wild weekend too... just not that kind of wild weekend. We're old and boring nowdays. :)


Wow.. I thought you only saw people like that at Walmart : )
What a weekend!!! Those Crafts sure have fun!

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