The kids are alright...

I've typed and retyped this post. The subject has changed with each revision but they've all hovered around the same general idea. Some subjects I worried may come off as offensive. Others were too fluffy. I almost gave up entirely on posting anything at all today but I like these photos too much not to share. 

Kate started her second season of t-ball and it's not without drama from varying directions. Her drama, parental drama, coaching drama, etc. Serving as a sitting Council member means I have heard a lot of this drama times 1,000. As a parent I too can get worked up over times I think my kid isn't being treated right. But then I sit back and look at these pictures and realize, Kate has no clue any of the drama is going on. She is simply excited to play ball.

She isn't aware of coaching troubles or that the concession stand isn't open, she was just thrilled to hit the ball and hear us cheer from the stands.

Sometimes parents make things harder. Sure we need organization and basic rules but all Kate has really cared about is getting out there and having fun with her friends.

She has been too busy freely passing out high fives to her teammates and dancing on 3rd base to know that she doesn't yet have a team shirt.

And I'll tell you what. This little girl was thrilled to have game delays because of disorganization. The dirt and rocks were calling her name long before we even left the house for t-ball. 

Maybe I'm just grumpy and need a vacation myself, but it seems that kids roll with the punches while a lot of parents are busy throwing them. I long for the days of slow, easy summers when my biggest concern was whether or not the ice cream truck was going to pass by my house that day. Maybe I'm just a little kid at heart.


Kyle said…
Your last two sentences are awesome. Someone should make a meme, or a someecard, or a T-shirt, or a macramed framed doily, out of them.

Kyle said…
(And by last two sentences, I really meant the third to last sentence.) ~
That's too bad about the tball program, but glad Kate is oblivious and excited. Way to be the mature one!

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