An ordinary weekend...

An ordinary weekend with no plans is really rare nowadays. Somehow most weekends seem to fill up with activities, practices, grocery shopping. It's partially our own doing really. To create an ordinary weekend takes more work than filling the calendar. A day with no plans leads to imagination and creativity instead of living by the clock. 

I was thrilled to have this long, extended, Memorial Day weekend with virtually no plans except one t-ball game. It's allowed us so much more family time. Now that doesn't mean we've sat around in the house watching paint dry, it means we could actually go out and have fun together... all of us. A rarity, really. 

The weekend has been full but fun with activities of our choosing, like trips to the pool, family golf, cook-outs with extended family and of course, some lounging around. 

I love this picture of the two of them. Notice CJ's upside down sunglasses?

These pics weren't actually taken this weekend. They were from earlier in the week when we decided to explore the nature trail at a very slow pace. Well one girl wanted to go fast...

...and the other girl wanted to move very slow. (This is actually how CJ smiles when asked.)

Today has just started and as I sip my coffee I am again thankful that today is yet another ordinary day.


Great pictures! Lincoln always wears sunglasses upside down, too. :o) I also love unplanned weekends. We had a streak of them this winter that was wonderful.

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