Where's waldo...

Monday night I went on a mad hunt around the house. Missing were both television remotes, my camera cord and little did I know, a whole lot of various game pieces that made their way under the living room furniture. Just peering under the couch was like discovery Christmas in April. I found one remote and that was it, if you discount the game pieces, a couple of misplaced raisins and a tiara.

Tuesday CJ appeared upstairs sans pants and unmentionables. When asked why she was without them she fessed up to having an accident but coincidentally could not remember where she placed the soiled clothing. So I began yet another hunt for one television remote, my missing camera cord and now urine soaked clothes. 

I'm pleased to report CJ's clothing was discovered in her hamper. It was honestly the last placed I looked. I never thought for a moment she would have placed them in the proper location. I even checked all trash cans before I thought to look in her hamper.  I guess I'll give her more credit next time. 

Nonetheless, the camera cord is still M.I.A. There are other means of removing photos from a camera but it is time consuming and apparently I have to delete each photo manually from my camera using the alternative method. 

So the loss of my camera cord has led me to browse at new cameras and I now realize how much better quality cameras are today. I just might have to go shopping sometime soon. Hmm...

But for now I shall enjoy the beautiful sunshine. It has certainly helped me find some of that missing mojo I was whining about the other day.



Time changes things & things eventually show up.
I went on a mad hunt for a missing shoe of Lincoln's the other day when we were trying to get out the door for kindergarten round-up. It wasn't pretty. I actually had to apologize to Emily before dropping her off so her afternoon wouldn't be ruined. :o(

I ordered a new camera from Amazon last night. I haven't been taking many pictures in general lately, but I discovered a black spot that must be on the lens somewhere, b/c I can't clean it off. My phone camera isn't very good and the transfer process is a bit more tedious. My camera was only 2 years old, but I'm excited about the newer, better features. I'm a fan of the Canon PowerShot line. This will be my 3rd one.

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