
As of the last month or so, I have been completely devoid of any mojo. I have stopped running and walking. I rarely take pictures or blog. I stopped reading books because I just haven't found any that interest me. I don't even watch television except Revenge with Dina and SNL with Matt. I'm almost never on the computer anymore. I quit reading a bunch of blogs. I don't play my favorite silly games likes Words With Friends and Draw Something, and I've let the laundry and cleaning slide. I sound like one big sack of nothing, don't I?

I'm not entirely sure what has happened to me but I have lost all motivation for my favorite things. I could just keep all this boring, nonsensical stuff to myself but I'm hoping that writing about it will help me find my mojo for life again. I'm not sure how to restart my engine but I must figure out something. I want to figure it out.

Starting tomorrow I will wake with the sun, like I used to, and get my butt outdoors.

Because I don't like to dwell on the negative, let me share some positive things:
*CJ is on day two in big girl 'pants'
*Kate has Kindergarten round-up this Friday
*Dina just returned from a great trip to Washington D.C.
*Kate is riding her bike completely independent without training wheels or assistance from anyone
*Tomorrow is going to be 73 degrees
*Today the girls and I flew a kite (haven't done that since I was a kid)
*We had a weekend with virtually nothing on the agenda
*The cat has only puked once in the last couple of weeks
*And tonight's dinner (oddly this item follows the cat puke story) is in the crock pot...simple, easy
*Oh, and how could I forget...we are going to scream our heads off at Dina's soccer game tonight

Tomorrow, assuming I locate my long missing camera cord, I hope to be back to my normal self. Until then...


Julie Ulven said…
Maybe it's just the fact that the days have been so chilly or that the sun keeps disappearing or hormones. All all of the above.

Hope you find your MOJO!
J-D-K-G said…
You'll be back soon, Sarah, I feel it! Oh...and...I LOVE Revenge. You and I could have a chat about this. It gets my blood pressure going!
It will get better.Get someone to take care of the girls & run up to Waterloo & have lunch wih Matt. Then stop at the casico & play a few slots.

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