Of spring and things...

Where has this month gone? And when am I going to create a new blog header? Goodness gracious, we haven't seen snow... I'll just stop right there. I'm NOT going to jinx the weather. Let me instead say we've been loving an early spring and I should really update the blog header to reflect the new season. 

We've celebrated spring with Kate learning to bike ride without training wheels (big news for her!!!), countless trips to the park, jumping in hundreds, if not thousands, of mud puddles (including an unintentional somersault through one, not kidding), and golfing. 

Right now we s-q-u-e-e-z-e all of us into one borrowed golf cart (thanks Mike and LeAnn.) It is a tight fit, especially when Dina comes along. And will get even tighter when we add Craft baby #3, and my growing belly for that matter.

Speaking of Dina... Why has she been absent from the blog so much? Well, Dina is a busy girl. For awhile she didn't return home from school until 9:15 p.m. ...school, soccer, speech and musical... We only saw Dina when she returned home to sleep. Thankfully her schedule is kind of slowing down and you'll get to see a lot more of Dina on my blog in the coming weeks.  

God answered my prayers today. We have been spending so much time outside that I have been ignoring vital household duties and I've been just plain tired. So I hoped for a rain day and we got one. But I still haven't gotten my chores done. I've just replaced my tiredness with some relaxing. (read couch potato) 

I do need to peel myself out of this chair and accomplish something. I have a jam packed weekend filled with mostly good things. And whether good or not as good, I have things to do to prepare for them all. 

CJ is a distracted driver.

Kate is a rule follower. The girl wouldn't look away from her driving if you paid her.

Here's to a fine weekend. I have to continually reminder myself it is not Friday. 
I think I'm just excited for things to come!


I have been wondering about your header.

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